Scanmix PLASTER K Silicone-silicate


The preparation of the base is carried out in accordance with State Building Norms of Ukraine V.2.6-22-2001 and Building regulations 3.04.01-87. The base shall be dry, not frozen, strong, load-bearing, free from dust, dirt, oils, fats and old paint. Fragile, old coatings and oil contamination are carefully removed. Inequalities, chips, shells, cracks shall be restored using TM SCANMIX repair mixtures. Cement plastered surfaces with a thickness of more than 10 mm must be cured for at least 14 days, putty surfaces – at least 3 days, surfaces of thermal insulation systems – 7 days. All surfaces need to be treated with an adhesive primer TM SCANMIX. When using tinted plaster, the primer paint should be the same color.The surfaces strongly absorb moisture, pretreat with a primer deep penetration TM SCANMIX. Areas affected by micro-organisms are mechanically cleaned and treated with antiseptic primers.


Immediately before using decorative plaster, all contents of the package should be very carefully mixed until a uniform consistency is obtained. And to avoid different shades of color we suggest to mix all volume of plaster. If necessary, add a small amount of water (only for correction, maximum 1.5%). In the case of spray application, the maximum water additive is up to 100 ml per 25 kg. plaster. The quantity of water added for each package must be the same. Adding water can change the working properties of the plaster and its colour.

If carried out manually, apply the plaster with the aid of a stainless steel ironing, distribute until the layer is in the grain. After applying the mass it is necessary to provide it with the necessary structure with the help of a glassmaker of plastic: «lamb» – circular movements.

Apply at base and ambient temperatures from +5° C to + 25° C.

Do not apply to the heated surface. Direct sunlight, high wind and humidity above 65% should be avoided during operation as well as during drying. Protect plaster until complete drying by means of a film or a dense protective mesh. The temperature of the substrate and environment during application and the following 48 hours shall be at least +5° C.

DRYING TIME: At 20 ° C and 65% relative humidity is 24 hours. The plaster fully dries it can be subjected to a load after 2-3 days.

TONNAGE: Toned according to the COLOR MIX system.

CONSUMPTION: 2.4 kg / m², the exact flow rate is determined by trial application at the facility.

STORAGE: In tightly closed packagings at a temperature of +5° C and not exceeding 30° C.

SHELF LIFE: 24 months from date of manufacture.

CAPACITY: 25 kg.

The information contained in the description is intended to ensure that plaster work is properly performed. The manufacturer shall not be liable for any combination with other producers or damage caused by the improper or improper use of the product.