Scanmix CP 503

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Scanmix CP 503

Classical cement plaster is used for high-quality plaster work on various mineral ...

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Scanmix CLP 504

Cement-lime plaster is used for high-quality plaster work on various mineral surfaces ...

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Scanmix CMP 505

Cement-lime plaster with perlite, for manual and mechanized application. For plastering ...

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  • 3-30 mm layer thickness
  • User-friendly
  • Frost resistant
  • High adhesion
  • Sooth surface
  • Ecologically pure


The base must be dry and strong, without damage.  Paint, oil or wax stains and any substance that reduces adhesion, as well as degraded and weak areas, should be removed. The cleaned base should be dust-free.  Areas with evidence of biological corrosion should be treated with antiseptic or mechanically removed. New brick walls, made up in a waste layer, must be free of dust before plastering.  Old brick walls should be cleaned with steel brushes or sandblasting apparatus, impregnated with Scanmix primer and dried for at least 2 hours. In preparing the basis, the requirements shall be based on the requirements of Building regulations 3.04.01-87 and State Building Norms of Ukraine V.2.6-22-2001.


Pour the dry mixture into a clean water tank with room temperature in proportion . 0.15-0.18l per 1 kg mixture (3.75-4.50 l per sack of 25 kg).  Thoroughly mix with mixer or low rotating drill with nozzle up to uniform consistency without lumps and clots. The solution will then last 5 minutes and be thoroughly mixed again. The solution obtained must be used for 2 hours.  Use clean tanks and tools for cooking. The solution mixture is applied to the prepared surface by a drawing followed by levelling and smoothing with graters.  When the plaster layer is thick, the mixture is applied in several layers according to the rule “wet on wet». The total thickness of the plaster is up to 20 mm.  If the total thickness of the plaster layer is greater than 20 … 35 mm, reinforcing elements (metal or fiberglass mesh) shall be used.  It’s possible to apply a solution or a plaster machine through the nozzle. Work at temperature of air and base +5°C … 30°C and relative humidity of air above 60%. Tools and iron dishes are not allowed – they rust.  Freshly laid mixtures must be protected against rain, overheating and direct sunlight.


After work, mortar and water must not be poured into the sewer pipes. It is desirable to work in rubber gloves. Contact with the skin or eyes shall be avoided. If the solution enters the skin or eyes, it is necessary to wash it thoroughly with water, since the mixture contains cement which, when mixed with water, forms an alkaline medium.


In dry space and on pallets, in factory packaging: 12 months from the date of issue indicated on the package.


The dry mixture is packed in paper bags of 25 kg.


COMPOSITION: Cement mixture with mineral fillers and special additives
Maximal grain 0,6
Amount of water to mix solution
0,15-0,18 l/kg mixture
Usage time up to 120 minutes
Air temperature and bases when used up to +5°С до +30°С
Compressive strength not less than 10 MPa
Ready for use (depending on layer thickness) after 48 hours
Consumption (depending on the thickness of the layer applied)    near 1,5 kg/m2 on 1 mm thickness
Frost resistance, cycles, not less         50
Operating temperature
      up to -30°С before +70°С
Data are given for normal steady state ( 20°C and 65% humidity).